Presidential Campaign 3 Dimensional Items
for President George H. W. Bush & President George W. Bush

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One of a kind carved wooden President #41 George H.W. Bush sitting at desk.  5" x 5" x 1 1/2" made by great artist Alan Ferster signed on reverse. $75  Buy Now
One of a kind carved wooden President #43 George W. Bush sitting at desk.  5" x 5" x 1 1/2" made by great artist Alan Ferster signed on reverse. $75  Buy Now

Fabulous original 44" x 127" gorgeous banner from the 2000 Republican Natonal Convention in Philadelphia for George W. Bush. $195  Buy Now

Camp David Wedding Program for Doro Bush LeBlond to Robert Pardi Kock on June 27, 1992.  Daughter of President George Bush and sister of President George W. Bush. $35  Buy Now

Visitor's pass to House Gallery signed by Congressman George H. W. Bush in 1960's $150  Buy Now

1989 George H. W. Bush Inaugural Ball Huge Banner which hung at Smithsonian Air and Space Museum for Texas Delegation to Bush Inaugural Ball.  Only 50 of these were produced for all the Inaugural Balls.  Ron Wade brought back from the ball.  Silk-like fabric on wooden rod. $250  Buy Now

1989 George H. W. Bush Inaugural Ball VIP booth folding table (like a TV tray) which held gifts for $100,000 donors--champagne, etc.   $65  Buy Now

Empty bottle of Champagne.  "Korbel 1989 Presidential Inaugural Curvee' Champagne.  Vintage 1989 -    EXTREMELY DRY CHAMPAGNE."   The bottle has the Special Inaugural Curvee' Sticker on the Front.  The neck is wrapped in the Bush-Quayle Presidential Inaugural Seal.  Retrieved by Ron Wade at Inaugural Ball of President George H. W. Bush. $95  Buy Now

Florida 2000 Election Voting Machine

Museum exhibit looks at voting (Palm Beach County poll machine that used "butterfly ballots" featured)


The Associated Press July 17, 2004

     WASHINGTON ● There, behind the glass, is one of the most famous characters to emerge from the 2000 presidential election. 

     The Votomatic machine from Palm Beach County, which introduced America to “butterfly ballots” and various kinds of  “chads” – from pregnant to dimpled to hanging, is part of an exhibit on voting that opened Friday at the National Museum of American History. 

     The machine is behind glass for safety reasons.  Curators aren’t afraid it could break loose and wreak havoc with another election; it’s kept there to make sure no one is injured by the accompanying stylus used by voters to punch out chads, the bits of cardboard next to candidates’ names on the much-disputed butterfly ballot. 

     The exhibit begins with a vast floor map of the United States with color-coded data, county by county, showing the way voting is conducted in each area.  The Florida machine, one of the newest in the exhibit, stands in a case at one corner of the map. 

     While visitors can try out other voting machines on display, they can only look at the Votomatic and read the five-step instructions and a warning in larger red capital letters: “Legal time for voting booth is five minutes.” 

     One of the first visitors, Rob Stewart, of Detroit, eyed the machine with a hint of skepticism.  He said he wasn’t sure he could master the Votomatic in the allotted time. 

     “That’s really awful, only five minutes,” he said. 

     The machine is among the museum’s 90,000 items related to politics.  Forty have been chosen for the exhibit, called “Vote: the Mechanism of Democracy.”  Curators Larry Bird and Harry Rubenstein will go to this summer’s Republican and Democratic political conventions to collect more material for the museum’s collection. 

     Before the contested 2000 presidential election, it was thought modern machines like the Votomatic ensured more honest, accurate accounting of votes. 

     But the butterfly ballot – which some voters found confusing – and the chads led to five weeks of recounts and legal wrangling.  A ruling by the Supreme Court ultimately awarded Bush the victory in Florida by just 537 votes, giving him the state’s electoral vote and the White House. 

$250  Buy Now

Gift bottle of wine from the Weeping Radish Micobrewery on Roanoke Island, NC made expressly for President George H. W. Bush. $65  Buy Now

Presidential commemorative set of 5 coins issued by the Republican National Committee in honor of 5 Republican Presidents, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George H. W. Bush. $45  Buy Now

Vice Presidential Gift paperweight from Vice President George H. W. Bush $65  Buy Now

Presidential commemorative oval portrait of President George H. W. Bush $25  Buy Now

Home of President George Bush in Kennebunkport, Maine wooden model in 3-d by Shelia, 1991. $25  Buy Now

George H. W. Bush Presidential Library Dedication gift knife, etc. $35  Buy Now

United Nations flag sent to Ron Wade by then-United Nations Ambassador George Bush in 1971.  $15  Buy Now

Challenge coin for the U.S.S. George H. W. Bush Carrier (2 of them) given to Ronald E. Wade by President George H. W. Bush in his office on Dec. 22, 2009 on a visit by the Wade family $65  Buy Now

George H. W. Bush large ceramic statue holding his dog, Millie. $150  Buy Now

George H. W. Bush commemorative clock from Desert Storm in shape of Iraq with portraits of President Bush, Gen. Swartzkopf, Colin Powell, and Dick Cheney. $85  Buy Now

10" square plaster on wood plaque  "George Bush 41 st President" by the Summitville Tile, Inc., of Summitville, Ohio with information on reverse including Bush's Presidential Announcement Speech of Oct. 11, 1987. $75  Buy Now

Bush Aids Flag showing skulls and cross bones as stars poster from the 1992 Republican National Convention protest area in Houston. $250  Buy Now

1988 Republican National Convention Bush-Vrdolyak 11" x 17" for George Bush for President and Edward R. (Eddie) Vrdolyak of Chicago, Illinois who was Cooke County Democratic Party Chairman and switched to Republican Party. $35  Buy Now

Original Malta stamp from Malta Conference $10  Buy Now

Press Document issued on Malta Conference issued by Malta Government $15  Buy Now

Press Information document issued by Malta Government $15  Buy Now

Press Information document issued by Malta Government $15  Buy Now

Cigarette Lighter with President George H. W. Bush and Gorbachev $65  Buy Now

Suspenders with President George H. W. Bush and Gorbachev $65  Buy Now

Soviet made watch of George Bush and Gorbachev from summit with hands of watch nuclear bombs.

$65  Buy Now

Russian-made watch with President George H. W. Bush and Gorbachev with Russian Cosmonaut on watchband  -- manufactured in Russia by "Boctok" circa 1990 to commemorate strategic arms treaties between Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and George Herbert Walker Bush in the name of the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The watches were Limited Edition.

$65  Buy Now

George Bush and Gorbachev rectangle version of watch made in Russia -- manufactured in Russia circa 1990 to commemorate strategic arms treaties between Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and George Herbert Walker Bush in the name of the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The watches were Limited Edition.

$65  Buy Now

Russian-made watch with President George H. W. Bush and Gorbachev round version -- manufactured in Russia circa 1990 to commemorate strategic arms treaties between Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and George Herbert Walker Bush in the name of the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The watches were Limited Edition. $65  Buy Now

Westminster College 1992 Conference button with President George H. W. Bush and Gorbachev $10 Buy Now

2 1/4" Russian-made plastic button with President George H. W. Bush and Gorbachev $10  Buy Now

Russian-made Button of President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev. $10  Buy Now

Russian-made button of President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev. $10  Buy Now

Russian-made Button of President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev. $10  Buy Now

Russian-made Button of President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev. $10  Buy Now

Russian-made Button of President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev. $10  Buy Now

Russian-made Button of President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev. $10  Buy Now

Rubber Christmas tree ornament of Bush Santa   Buy just the Bush Santa for $14  Buy Now

$45  Buy Now

Russian-made salt and pepper shakers of Bush and Gorbachev

$75  Buy Now

Rubber doggy toys of Bush with Quayle in pocket and Gorbachev

$35  Buy Now

President George H. W. Bush rubber keychain $10  Buy Now

Gorbachev rubber keychain $10  Buy Now

Russian-made badge of Gorbachev $5  Buy Now

Model of Avenger aircraft flown by President George H. W. Bush as the youngest pilot in World War II. $65  Buy Now

Legitimate 1992 Texas License plate I had on my automobile "Go Bush" personalized plate. $35  Buy Now

Official 1989 personalized Inaugural license plate from the Inauguration of President George Bush. $35  Buy Now

U.S. Coast Guard protective detail patch for President Bush Senior in Kennebunkport when he went out on his speed boat $10  Buy Now

Fighter Pilot security patchto the President for George W. Bush for the Texas Air National Guard in which Bush served.  $10  Buy Now

Large hand-crafted and one-of-a-kind wooden piece showing President George W. Bush and President Saddam Hussein on either side of two nuclear bombs for the U.S. and Iraq with EXXON oil emblem on the front and the U.S. and Iraq flags on either end. $65  Buy Now

Michael Dukakis versus George Bush Sr. boxing puppets from the 1988 campaign $35  Buy Now

George Bush Sr. Inauguration plate $35  Buy Now

Presidential Bowl celebrating the Bicentenary of the Presidency 1789-1989 of the United States by the United States Historical Society by the Picard Pottery of Richmond, Va. and only 5000 issued.  Shows portraits of all Presidents from George Washington to George H. W. Bush on outside and large Presidential Seal in center of bowl on inside. In beautiful original box. $95  Buy Now

Bush-Quayle expanding fan from the 1989 Inaugural Ball held in Manilla in the Philippines.  $15  Buy Now

Canadian-produced for Canadian Prime Minister elections in which the candidate tried to link Prime Minister Harper to President George W. Bush as a negative to Harper.  1 3/4" x 2 3/4" celluloid $10  Buy Now
George H.W. Buxh Republican National Convention 14 1/2" mint unopened jar of Presidential Blend Coffee from Ronald McDonald House. $20  Buy Now
George H.W. Bush 13 oz unopened ketchup $15  Buy Now
George W. Bush Unopened bottle of 5 oz. BBQ sauce with George Bush #41, Michael Dukakis "I Wanna Be Next" and George W. "What Drugs?" on the label too.  "You Boys go divide up the country, I'll be back at the ranch. $15  Buy Now
George H.W. Bush Presidential gift item--made like a book of matches but has nice plastic calculator inside. $25  Buy Now
George W. Bush for Texas Governor mint unused 8" tall water bottle plus straw with official campaign info. on edge. $15  Buy Now
George W. Bush large token/coin from the 2000 Republican National Convention's Oklahoma Delegation, mint in original container $10  Buy Now
Bush & Cheney 2000 Mirror $7  Buy Now
George Bush Sr. Pez Dispensere (empty), rare $15  Buy Now
George W. Bush Bosley Bobbers Bobble Head mint in box 7 1/2" tall. (sorry sold)
George H.W. Bush Punching Puppet mint in original wrapper. $15  Buy Now
George H. W. bush 1988 Republican National Convention gift to Delegates.  Boxed cigar in mint condition. $15  Buy Now
George H.W. Bush with Saddam Hussein Saddam Insane watch in great condition. "Read my lips--Out of there! May need batteries--doesn't appear to run otherwise. $25 Buy Now
Vice President Dan Quayle wristwatch in great condition. May need batteries--doesn't appear to run otherwise. $25 Buy Now
George H.W. Bush Watch in great condition with U.S. & Panama flags.  Remember he liberated Panama from Manuel Noriega. May need batteries--doesn't appear to run otherwise. $25 Buy Now
3"diameter and 1 inch think ceramic paperweight of George Bush and New Orleans Republican National Convention 1988 $10  Buy Now
3 1/2" tall 1989 Presidential Inaugural Coffee Cup in cobalt blue.  New with facsimile George Bush signature on reverese $10  Buy Now
4" tall Louisville Stoneware Coffee Cup with White House and facsimile signatures of George Bush & Barbara Bush. Mint (sorry sold)
1989 Presidential Inaugural drinking glass with Inaugural Seal for George Bush $10  Buy Now
George W. Bush Inauguration as Texas Governor beautiful unused patch. $10 Buy Now
George W. Bush Inauguration as Texas Governor along with Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock (D) magnet in mint condition. $10 Buy Now
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