Ron Wade is one of the leading political collectibles dealers and
collectors in the nation having dealt in campaign buttons since he was a
student at the University of Texas during the 1972 campaign of Nixon
versus McGovern. We buy all types of political campaign and
presidential memorabilia. We buy from 2 to 3 collections each
month and single items galore and treat you in an honest manner always.
The best way to sell to us is to scan (JPG. OR GIF FILE IF
POSSIBLE) and send as an attachment to
your email to: ronwadebuttons@aol.com
or by photocopy or photos sent to my mailing address below.
The scan, photo or photocopy doesn't have to be the highest of
quality but something we can look at to see:
#1 If the item is original
#2 What condition they are in #3 The particular variety of the
There are thousands of varieties of buttons from each campaign as
you would suspect so it's almost impossible for me to tell you how much
an item in worth without seeing some representation of it. They
might look almost alike but one of them had hundreds of thousands
produced while the other was locally produced and only a few survive
making a major difference in value. Please describe any defects (ie:
cracks, cuts on the surface, stains, etc.) and if you have a price
in mind let us know. Will you be
treated fairly?
We always encourage anyone to get offers from other dealers as
well. Generally when they do they quickly find out we pay more
than the average dealer and much more than antique dealers who really
don't know the difference between common and rare and even pay by the
size of the button rather than it's true value! If you are
familiar with the online auction EBAY our positive feedback rating is
100% after years of transactions and over 1,800 transactions--never a
single negative comment as a member since April, 1997!
Don't have the time to make photos or copies?
Call us at 903--236-9615 (evenings
and weekends are the best time to catch us) and from your description of what you have generally you
can just mail the whole collection or items to us and we will pay for
postage both ways if we don't come to an agreement on the price.
Send them insured and packed securely and not just rattling around in an
envelope as the Post Office has a tendency to destroy items as you might
While not a major problem with a little education,
fakes and reproductions do exist. A visit to your local flea market or
antique shop will likely confirm this. Most of the buttons encountered
are reproductions that were made in the 1960s and 1970s as giveaways by
The American Oil Company & Kleenex. These fakes are easy to spot
because most will have some sort of inscription on the edge or curl such
as "AO-1972" "Repro-1968" "Reproduction" or the candidates name and
date (i.e. "Roosevelt-1944"). If you encounter a button that is
scratched on the edge, shows evidence of having been painted over on the
edge, or is lithographed for a pre 1920 candidate, beware! Most fakes
will also look slightly blurry or off-color. Here's a photo of one of
the best-known set of reproductions from a recent online auction
and sadly if you have them they have no value other than decorative:

This is a fake Teddy Roosevelt seen often--no real button was ever
produced like this.
Any other questions? Don't
worry--just call or write. We'll be more than happy to answer your
Send copies or questions to:
Ron Wade 2100 Lafayette Drive Longview, Texas
Phone: 903--236-9615 Fax: 903--236-9499
Email to: ronwadebuttons@aol.com |