Political Brochures Page 1 of 2
John F. Kennedy 1960 (D)
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JFKbrochure-2 |
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8 1/2" x 11"
2-fold Brochure promoting John Kennedy for president and Lyndon Johnson
for vice president, 1960. Senior Citizens for Kennedy and Johnson,
Washington. |
JFKbrochure-12 |
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1960 campaign brochures with
President Kennedy on one side and for VP, Johnson on the other. Very
nice with issues and backgrounds of each candidate |
JFKbrochure-3 |
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8 1/2" x 11"
2-fold Brochure "Worried About Old Age" "Kennedy for President"
brochure |
JFKbrochure-16 |
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5 1/2 x 8 1/2"
Card w/ lyrics
to "Official Democratic Party 1960 Song," from DNC , Los Angeles, 1960.
Handed out to the delegates on the floor of the convention at the final

I'm walkin' down to
To shake hands with President Kennedy...
I'm walkin down to Washington
To shake hands with Lyndon Johnson...
Kennedy! and Johnson!
How great that day will be... |
JFKbrochure-5 |
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4" x 14" when opened,
expounds his doctrine of 'The New Frontier' and tells of his
accomplishments and argues that he is not only the best choice for
President, but the best choice for leader of the Free World. On the back,
a lengthy quote from his acceptance speech concludes with: "Give me your
help, give me your hand, give me your vote." |
JFKbrochure-17 |
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6" x 6"
Window sticker
promoting John F. Kennedy for president, 1960. Massachusetts Comm. for
John F. Kennedy for President of the U.S., Boston |
JFKbrochure-6 |
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6" x 6"
Window sticker
promoting John F. Kennedy for president, 1960. Gummed paper. Democratic
National Committee, Washington, DC.
JFKbrochure-19 |
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Late 1960's Dallas Now Defunct
JFK Museum Brochure |
JFKbrochure-7 |
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3" x 4" General Election
Insert to be word in Plastic Badge for Election Day for Volunteers |
JFKbrochure-20 |
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3 1/2" x 5 1/2"
promoting John F. Kennedy for president, 1960. New York Democratic
County Committee. Unused.
JFKbrochure-8 |
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Unusual American Farmer for JFK
2-fold brochure with great photos inside, with minor folds. |
JFKbrochure-21 |
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1960 brochure for JFK for American Farmers
JFKbrochure-10 |
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8" x 7 1/4" 1-fold
brochure from RNC --direct
quotes from prominent Democrats, including Harry Truman, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Adlai Stevenson, LBJ, Sam Rayburn, Hubert Humphrey—expressing
their disfavor, even disdain, of Kennedy! Jackie Robinson: "Senator
Kennedy is not fit to be President" |
JFKbrochure-11 |
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8" x 7 1/4" 1-fold
brochure from RNC --direct
quotes similar to last - Wayne Morse, Robert Byrd, Joseph Clark, etc. |
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